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Hassan ad focuses on opioid crisis
Senator Hassan Participates in Hearing on Managing Pain During the Opioid Crisis
Senator Hassan Delivers Maiden Floor Speech, Focuses on Efforts to Combat Substance Misuse Crisis
Sen. Hassan Highlights Impact of Opioid Crisis on Children and Families in Health Committee Hearing
Senator Hassan Underscores Urgent Need for Increased Federal Funding to Address Opioid Epidemic
Senator Hassan Speaks on the Senate Floor to Highlight the Opioid Crisis
Sen. Hassan Emphasizes Need for More Funding to Combat the Opioid Crisis in Hearing with Governors
Hassan Highlights Importance of Prioritizing Funding for States Hardest-Hit by Opioid Crisis
Hassan promises more opioid funding after ride-along
Governor Maggie Hassan (D-NH) at the NH Forum on Addiction and the Heroin Epidemic
CloseUP: Maggie Hassan on opioid epidemic, health care
'The Opioid Diaries': Senator Maggie Hassan Discusses More Funding And Programs For Epidemic | TIME